Webcast: Shaping employee careers and performance for a hybrid world of work
Shaping employee careers and performance for a hybrid world of work
LIVE Virtual Session
WEDNESDAY, DEC 02ND | 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Shaping employee careers and performance for a hybrid world of work

The world of work is undergoing a revolution. The future is essentially going to be about “work-life merge” and “hybrid” workplaces. Employees will all be more “hybrid” – changing place, changing state, changing mode more constantly.

For those who can work independently of their workplace, work will not be binary – either entirely at the office or entirely remote – but hybrid across the office, the home, third spaces, and more.

In this webcast by People Matters and KPISOFT, we will address how organizations can rethink performance, productivity, and careers for a hybrid world of work. The webcast will focus on how organizations can take the leap and transform their performance management systems by integrating intelligent technologies. Further, it will share some ideas on how organizations can help their workforce acquire new and in-demand skills, and prepare for changing roles for today and tomorrow.

Here are the key pointers that will be discussed:

  1. Why might the future of work might be hybrid
  2. How the pandemic has triggered the need of re-examining performance management and how it will be different for the hybrid work model?
  3. How to re-calibrate the performance and productivity metrics when the way we work and the work we do have changed drastically?
  4. How can one understand employee skills, performance achievement, potential and aspirations and provide career recommendations for today and tomorrow?
  5. How to help employees accomplish more by clearly defining a growth plan and setting easily achievable short-term and long-term goals?
  6. How to revamp the process of a performance management system and make it more data- driven, more flexible, more continuous, and more development-oriented?


Join this session with other leaders from great companies like Coca Cola, Bank of Singapore, and GSK and learn more about ‘Shaping employee careers and performance for a hybrid world of work'. Register now!

Our Speakers
David Ng
David Ng

Chief Revenue Officer

Ongmu Gombu
Ongmu Gombu


Drew Fernandez
Drew Fernandez

Global Chief People Officer
The Coca-Cola Company

Jeffrey Chiam
Jeffrey Chiam

Global Head of HR
Bank of Singapore

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