Webcast: The Roadmap to Automation Readiness - Managing the Acceleration Mandate in Digital HR
The Roadmap to Automation Readiness - Managing the Acceleration Mandate in Digital HR
LIVE Webcast
Wednesday, December 20th 2023, 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM IST
The Roadmap to Automation Readiness - Managing the Acceleration Mandate in Digital HR

As new waves of technology-based disruption uproot earlier ones, only some companies seem ready for the next phase of Digital HR. According to a study by Deloitte, 94% of business leaders said AI is critical to business success over the next five years, yet 47 % said AI creates fear or concern in the modern workplace.

With the rise of Generative AI and innovative AI-assisted automation, companies need to deeply understand the acceleration of the Digital HR mandate in organisations. For SMEs and fast-rising organisations, it is essential to define how HR automation will open up new avenues of strategic partnership for the business.

In the future, HR leaders must increasingly focus on value-added, strategic human touchpoints rather than repeated digital transactions. This virtual panel will bring together leaders who will reflect on the emerging opportunities for Small and Medium businesses to raise the bar to accelerate their digital transformation journey.

Here’s what we will cover:

  • What does the roadmap to automation readiness look like?
  • How can SMEs and fast-growing businesses take the steps in the right direction?
  • What critical challenges will companies face while accelerating their Digital HR      transformation?
  • How can leaders find the right balance between automation and meaningful      human touchpoints?
  • How can HR partner with the business differently? And what kind of skills does it      need in the future?
  • Our Speakers
    Ganesh Jadhav
    Ganesh Jadhav

    HR Director, Physicswallah

    Divya Anand
    Divya Anand

    VP - People Excellence, Amagi Corporation

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