Webcast: Creating Gender Balance: Promoting women at workplace
Creating Gender Balance: Promoting women at workplace
TUESDAY, JULY 06TH | 3:00 PM IST | 5:30 SGT | 11:30 AM CEST
Creating Gender Balance: Promoting women at workplace

Has the pandemic had a disproportionate impact on female-dominated jobs and reinforced gender roles? What are the long-term economic and social consequences that will impact gender equality? Join this discussion on barriers to gender equality in the workplace and how the landscape has changed drastically in a post-COVID world. In this webinar, Maria Teixidor, the first woman in the history of FC Barcelona to have held the position of secretary of the board of directors, will dive into the dos and don’ts of accelerating gender balance and also share all that you will learn in the upcoming People Matters BeNext Certification program on Gender Balance Program: Promoting Women.

Top Takeaways:

  1. How to plan for a gender-sensitive response to hybrid workplaces
  2. Ways to acknowledge the difficulties and barriers challenging women in the new world of work
  3. Creating opportunities and initiatives to increase women’s participation

Our Speakers
Marie Teixidor
Marie Teixidor

CEO, VUCA Solutions

Cindy Scholts
Cindy Scholts

Virtual Learning and Development Manager, People Matters BeNext

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