Webcast: Employee Experience in UAE: Are Rigorous Rules Robbing Workers of Work-Life Balance?
Employee Experience in UAE: Are Rigorous Rules Robbing Workers of Work-Life Balance?
LIVE Virtual Session
WEDNESDAY, SEPT 25TH | 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Dubai Time
Employee Experience in UAE: Where does work-life balance stand?

The allocation of work hours is crucial for the well-being and living standards of workers worldwide. A study by the International Labour Organisation revealed that the United Arab Emirates has the longest working hours, averaging 52.6 hours per week per employed person. Such a work schedule, coupled with a cultural emphasis on productivity, challenges maintaining a healthy work-life balance, leaving employees with little personal time.

Despite the generous benefits packages offered by many employers in the UAE, there is a noticeable lack of formal policies and practices supporting employees’ work-life balance and creating a positive experience. This absence of structured support makes it difficult for employees to negotiate flexible work arrangements or take necessary time off for personal pursuits. As a result, the rigorous working hours and rigid working arrangements undermine employees' ability to achieve a sustainable balance.

In conversation with industry leaders, we will discuss:

  • What challenges do UAE HR and business leaders face in fostering a culture that prioritizes wellbeing and work-life balance? How can leaders drive change to support healthier work-life integration while ensuring productivity?
  • How can government and leaders collaborate to create a supportive environment for work-life balance initiatives in the UAE?
  • What upcoming trends do you predict will influence work-life balance practices in UAE workplaces? Are there innovative practices from other regions that could benefit UAE organizations?
  • How do you foresee advancements in technology contributing to the effective implementation and monitoring of the work-life balance policies?
  • If you were to give one advice to UAE leaders trying to deliver a positive experience through work-life balance in their organization, what would that be?
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