Webcast: Humanizing digital learning
Humanizing digital learning
LIVE Webcast
WEDNESDAY, FEB 24TH | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Humanizing digital learning: Maximize the ROI of your digital learning solutions

In 2021 and the years ahead, we are going to see a much significant shift towards a deeper value for learner-centric content, empowered of course by technology and innovations. In fact, according to a People Matters research, the pandemic forced a lot of organizations to invest in HR tech and this has led to 75% of the L&D function becoming tech-enabled. .

Digital learning solutions have a real chance to prove their worth and deliver measurable business value. This gives HR and L&D professionals a role to play in creating an effective digital learning environment, by humanizing digital learning.

"A human, empathic approach is necessary to maximize the benefits of the learning technology."

People Matters and iSpring bring to you a webcast on 'Humanizing digital learning to maximize the ROI of your digital learning solutions'. The webcast will delve upon:

  1. What are the top trends in digital learning in 2021?
  2. How do you get people to build trust in digital learning solutions?
  3. How do you add a human touch to online learning so learners don’t feel they are alone in the journey?
  4. How do you make assessment more engaging and make it easier to track and assess the learning of each employee?

Our Speaker
Irene Cooper
Irene Cooper

Senior Customer Success Manager, iSpring

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