Webcast: Unlocking Growth Opportunities: How can HR drive better business margins during an economic slowdown?
Unlocking Growth Opportunities: How can HR drive better business margins during an economic slowdown?
THURSDAY, DEC 8th | 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM IST
Unlocking Growth Opportunities

How can HR drive better business margins during an economic slowdown?

Today’s talent landscape finds itself at an interesting point in time. On the one hand, reports highlight how close to 15,708 employees have been laid off by 44 startups across India, along with mega IT companies such as Amazon and Twitter also partaking in this. On the other hand, IT/ITES companies in India are also grappling with talent shortages, given that 65% are hiring gig workers to meet immediate and short-term talent needs. In the age of cost-cutting business measures and limited people budgets, this begs the question: How do we find the skills-sets we need to continue organisational growth?

While the market seems to be slowly rising, today’s organisations cannot overlook the critical value of investing in your talent. A skilled workforce will be fundamental to bringing in favourable business returns, with increased revenues and growing profit margins. This is where HR needs to step in and ensure that talent development strategies align with organisational concerns and goals.

To delve deeper into this opportunity area, People Matters, in partnership with Disprz, brings you this exclusive webinar with actionable insights to drive business growth during an economic slowdown.

We will deep dive into:

  • Talent Trends and Challenges that impact business strategies today
  • Building your talent pipeline in an economic slowdown
  • The critical value of a skilled workforce for the IT industries
  • Strategic HR-Business partnerships for a resilient organisational growth plan
  • Tracking the impact on productivity and profits with data-driven insights
  • Our Speakers
    Subramanian (Subbu) Viswanathan
    Subramanian (Subbu) Viswanathan

    Co-founder and CEO, Disprz

    Satish Rajarathnam
    Satish Rajarathnam

    Senior Vice President HR & Global Head- Talent Transformation, Mphasis

    Kenneth W Wheeler
    Kenneth W Wheeler

    Director of People & Culture, True Fit Corporation

    Pradipta Banerjee
    Pradipta Banerjee

    Chief People Officer, Emids

    Harish Rajagopalan
    Harish Rajagopalan

    Head, Talent and Culture at CRED

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